Or you just don’t know how to get the kind of edits you need … welcome to the club.
There are many short articles on the internet that tackle parts of editing. What content and copy editors do. Do you need a proof reader? How do you get a subject matter expert to leave your capitalization of internet alone?
Maybe you’re on the other side of things. You have your first or fifth draft … but you’ve only self edited the doc so far. It’s time to hand it off to an editor … what is it going to look like?
Will you even recognize your “baby” when it comes home? How do you edit conversationally, sharing what you want to get the editing and help you need?
Been there. Done that. For over twenty years.
And now I’m sharing what I’ve learned from all the editors, experts, writers, and idea gals and guys I’ve worked with over the years.
I’ve cried over edits. And I’ve accidentally made writers squirm … but we’ve all learned from our early missteps and learned how to dance together.
Even if you aren’t looking for an editor yet, chances are you will be. Don’t go through it alone. Download my brief new survival guide for the not-so-every-day editing you do for work and beyond.
What To Expect When You’re Expecting Editing.